02 July 2004

History repeats

Yes indeed. Here's what I said a couple weeks ago:

First off, have you ever noticed that most of our problems in that part of the world can be directly traced to the British Empire and it's resultant fall? The Holy Land and the surrounding area Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Kasmir, Israel and Palestine, all of these places were once British territories. It reminds me of another place Imperial powers had marched in search of treasure and land, with the same amount of success. Russia.

Here's what Democratic Veteran says today:

And it is. It always was. Until there's either an asteroid hitting the earth or a volcano in Baghdad it always will be. The Brits learned it the hard way back in the early 20th Century as their Empire was imploding, and well, we're just breaking that code now. Not like there aren't history books or anything...not like fearless leader wasn't a (what?) major (besides Drunken Stupor) at Yale. Well, I guess that the PNAC Neocons were a lot smarter than those stupid ol' Brits, eh?

And we both agree that President C-minus never stayed awake or sober in history class. Fucking assholes. You'd think the Brits would be smart enough to opt out of going back to Baghdad.

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