03 August 2004

To the showers

I'm tired and Mrs. F's little varmit dragged me around after the orange cat that lives next door. Something to see, me flying like a kite behind the dog as she drags me this way and that after her arch enemy. They have a black and white cat too, but the orange one likes to torment my dog when she's in her kennel. The cat comes over and finds a nice patch of sun in which to clean herself about 20 feet from the fence. Drives the fucking dog insane. The dog barks incessantly and runs back and forth along the fence as long as the fucking cat's there. So I'll run with her after the orange cat. If Mrs. F would let me have firearms, I'd get a BB gun and plink the cat in the ass to chase her off, but that's another story. I'm off to the showers and then to pick up the Mrs.

Pleasant dreams.

The Monster:

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