03 August 2004

Another question

For the guys. If you didn't know me and had your car in for service, and I intimated that at one time I'd been intimate with your wife, wouldn't you call me on it? I know some asshole does that to me, I'm gonna put him on his ass.

Guy brings a car in to the shop next door to us. I was this guy's neighbor for a couple years but I haven't seen him in about eight. I walked next door and I saw him and I nodded and said 'how're you doing'. He made like he didn't remember me. That's cool, when I lived next to him, my hair went down to the middle of my back and I had a ZZ Top beard. So I did what I needed to with the shop owner and walked past the guy on my way out. All I said was, "when you go home, say hi to (his wife's name) for me."

He looked like he'd shit himself, but he didn't say a word and I kept walking. I never liked him or his wife. Let me just say, for the record, that I never had sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky, er, uh, yeah. I didn't, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall in his house tonight.

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