14 August 2004


We're watching the Olympics . . . badminton. But that's not the point. Mrs. F. flips through the home shopping channels during the commercials. She never buys anything, but my wife is a professional shopper. Where others will break at the word 'sale' my wife will find the same thing somewhere (usually the Big Three; Kohls, Marshalls, TJ Maxx) for half of somebody else's sale price. But I digress.

One one of these stations, they were selling 'cutlery', steak knife sets and shit, but they were also selling swords. The Mrs. was amazed at how easily these things are to buy. I'm just happy they ain't selling rifles. Could you imagine?

Git this new Winchester repeatin' rahfle for only fahr-nanty-nan'.
Git it today wit' Val-U-Pay, sev'nty two payments on yer credit card. And
today only on the Gun Show Channel, no background check. By
golly, y'all kin be Ted Bundy and we don't care, we'll even throw in fahve
hunnert rounds of full metal jacketed, 150 grain, Manstoppers feh-ree if y'all
order in the next ten minutes. Son, Ah don' care if you is in Meridian,
Mississippi or Noo York, we'll ship this baby out to ya overnight and no extree

Incredible. They'll sell any-fucking thing to any-fucking-body nowadays. Yeesh.

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