01 July 2004

About Ground Zero

Mrs. F bitches to me about this and I've been remiss about reporting it. Listen to me carefully.

When you come to New York and visit Ground Zero, SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT. We welcome all tourists here, it's a good part of what makes the New York economy tick, but Ground Zero isn't fucking Six Flags. Don't be hanging on the fences, climbing up like you're in some exhibit at the fucking zoo, getting Uncle Joe to take a picture of you to show to your fucking moron friends back home. The people who all live and work in the area don't need to see you acting like an asshole because they have all lost friends and family there. You don't see me coming to Mt. Rushmore and climbing up on Lincoln's head so my wife can get a picture of me picking his nose, do you? No, so show some fucking respect for the 3000 folks who died at WTC. And have some fucking respect for the people who are reminded every day about the friends they lost. If you don't, I'll find out where your relatives are buried and piss on their graves in front of you. How's that, asshole?

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