23 December 2010


Imagine a 42 liter, V12 Packard WWII  Torpedo boat motor stuffed into a 1920's Bently as big as a bus.

Can you say scary?
Over 1500 Horsepower in an antique car you can barely drive over 50 miles an hour safely.

You gotta watch this, I love the open pipes. Go watch the video and read the guys take on his experience driving it.

I really liked the part about him gettingn his eyebrows singed off from the open pipes.

It makes you believe that if you tried to run that motor out the old Bently would come off the ground.

BTW, Merry Christmas from the gang here.

16 December 2010

The Amazingly Boring Antics Adventures of Gordon and Bermflinger!

Here's a little vid of me using my new snowthrower, which works very well indeed. So good that I have named it "Bermflinger!". I was gonna give it sort of an Alpine/Swiss type name - Ausgeflingenderbermensehrfahrren! - but I couldn't spell it.

Could my old blower have cut up and tossed this berm? Sure. Not nearly as easily and quickly though. This blower has cut my my snow clearing time at least in half and with a lot less effort. This old man thanks you, Soichiro.

Watching me blow snow is about as exciting as watching paint dry, I know, but the dogs are fun. Notice the out-of-focus bit when I heave into view. I think the camera was trying to focus on the discharged snow.

I'm getting used to the machine, which operates similarly yet entirely different from my old one. I'm getting used to the big mittens too. Watch me try and horribly fail to throw a ball for my dog!
